The major benefit of this study was to determine the benefits of information technology on the job performance of secretaries employed in polytechnics in Federal Polytechnic Oko. The population of the study consists of 74 secretaries in Federal Polytechnic Oko. Four research questions were formulated which guided the study. A 40–item structured questionnaire was developed and validated. Percentage responses were used to answer the research questions. The major findings of the study were: (1)Information technology plays an important role in the job performance of a secretary such as storing and retrieving of information, easy access to information (2) Information technology improve the secretaries performance when the quality of work produced using information communication technology is far better than manual and also saves time, improve efficiency in output and performance, increase speed and accuracy, (3) secretaries encounter some challenges like: technology changes the job of the secretary and inability to grow with the use of computer, (4) changes in technology can cause job displacement of secretaries. It was concluded that(1) there is need for secretaries to be computer literate since it plays important role in their job (2) there is need for secretaries to acquire skills and knowledge needed to cope with the changes in technology since it saves their time and increase their speed and accuracy (3) secretaries face challenges in their jobs because of changes in technology and inability to grow along with the current trends and acquisition of the needed knowledge to meet the changing challenges. It was recommended that (1) lecturers in higher institutions should help their students to understand the important role computer plays among secretaries and also enough computers should be provided by the school authorities (2) secretaries must be dynamic with the current packages of the computer like: Ms word, Ms Excel, Page maker Corel Draw, etc in order to improve on their job (3) Non computer literate secretaries need to go for training in computer in order to meet with current changes in technology today.


1.0 Introduction

By the mid 20th century, human had achieved a mastery of technology sufficient to leave the atmosphere of the earth for the first time and explore space. According to Merriam Webster (2007), technology is making usage and knowledge of tools, machines techniques crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. The word Technology comes from Greek, the term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: Example include construction Technology and information technology.

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