Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Content vii
List of Tables ix
List if Figures x
Abstract xi
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the problem 9
Purpose of the Study 11
Significance of the Study 11
Research Questions 13
Hypotheses 13
Scope of the Study 14
Conceptual Framework 16
Concept of Entrepreneurship 17
Concept of Entrepreneurship Education 19
Concept of Entrepreneurial Behaviour 29
- Identification of opportunity 30
- Conduct of feasibility study 36
- Writing of business Plan 38
- Presentation of business plan 41
Theoretical framework
Expended Activity Model (Engestrom, 2001) 43
The Change Theory of Entrepreneurship (European Commission, 2015) 45
Review of Empirical Studies
- Identification of opportunity 47
- Conduct of feasibility study 49
- Writing of business Plan 51
- Presentation of business plan 52
Summary of Reviewed Literature 55
Research Design 58
Area of the Study 59
Population of the Study 59
Sample and Sampling Technique 59
Instruments for Data Collection 60
Validation of Instrument 62
Reliability of Instruments 63
Method of Data Collection 63
Control of Extraneous Variables 64
Method of Data Analysis 65
Results 66
Discussion of the findings 77
Conclusion 79
Implications of the findings 79
Recommendations 81
Limitation of the study 82
Suggestion for further studies 83
Summary of the study 83
APPENDIX I: Preliminary Information for Teachers on Entrepreneurship
Education Module for Senior Secondary II 93
APPENDIX II : Schedule of Activities for Entrepreneurship Education
APPENDIX III: Entrepreneurship Education Syllabus for Senior Secondary II 94
APPENDIX IV : Students’ Adaptive Entrepreneurial Behaviour Test
(SAEBT) (Day I) 98
APPENDIX V: Students’ Adaptive Entrepreneurial Behaviour
Evaluation Guideline 99
APPENDIX VI: Students’ Adaptive Entrepreneurial Behaviour
Evaluation Scale 100
APPENDIX VII: Table Showing Population and Sample of the Study 101
APPENDIX VIII: Tables Showing Statistical Analysis of Research
Questions and Hypothesis 102
Table 4.1: The mean score difference between secondary school
students in the experimental and control group on
opportunity identification 66
Table 4.2: The mean score difference between secondary school
students in the experimental and control group on conduct of
feasibility study 67
Table 4.3: The mean score difference between secondary school
students in the experimental and control group on writing
business plan 68
Table 4.4: The mean score difference between secondary school
students in the experimental and control group on
business plan presentation 69
Table 4.5: ANCOVA showing the significant difference between
mean scores of secondary students in the experimental and
control group on opportunity identification. 70
Table 4.6: ANCOVA showing the significant difference between mean
scores of secondary students in the experimental and control
group on conduct of feasibility study. 71
Table 4.7: ANCOVA showing the significant difference between mean
scores of secondary students in the experimental and control
group on writing business plan. 71
Table 4.8: ANCOVA showing the significant difference between mean
scores of secondary students in the experimental and control
group on business plan presentation. 72
Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework on Entrepreneurship Education 16
Figure 2.2: Components of an entrepreneurship education 21
Figure 2.3: Idea generation/creation process 32
Figure 2.4: Expended Model of Activity Theory (Engestrom, 2001). 44
Figure 2.5: Theory of change triggered by entrepreneurship education 46
Figure 2.6: Impact mapping – establishing causal chains 46
The study examined effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial behavior on secondary students in Rivers state. Four research questions and four hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study consisted 237 public secondary schools in twenty three education zones with student population of 118, 723. Based on students’ attendance register, a sample of 164 students from eight (8) secondary schools in four education zones was drawn using the multi stage sampling technique. Instruments used for data collection consists of Students’ Adaptive Entrepreneurial Behavior Test (SAEBT) and Students’ Adaptive Entrepreneurial Behavior Evaluation Scale (SAEBES). Data generated from trial testing were analysed using Cronbach Alpha statistics and the overall reliability index of 0.44 was obtained for the control group and the index of 0.79 for the experimental group. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to analyse the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Results of the hypotheses yielded a significant mean score difference between the control and experimental group on all the sub-variables of entrepreneurial behavior. Findings of the study indicate that entrepreneurship education has a far reaching effect on entrepreneurial behavior when measured on opportunity identification, conduct of feasibility study, writing of business plan and business plan presentation to the audience. Based on the findings, recommendations were made which include: that there should be prompt training of entrepreneurship education teachers for secondary school education; that the curriculum of secondary education be reviewed to include entrepreneurship education as a compulsory subject.
Background of the Study
Education plays a very important role in socio-economic development including employment creation. With this fact, some African countries including Nigeria have put in place innovative reforms to strengthen their education systems. However, there is a limited progress in comparison with other nations of the world. This may be contributed by insufficient understanding of the positive effect that education can have on economic development (European Commission, 2009). Based on that fact, education is defined as the process of learning to live as useful and acceptable member of society. Thus, the definition of education has two key components, namely usefulness and acceptability. Usefulness may entail the process of converting a person from being non-productive to become productive in a particular society and thus an entrepreneurship education may serve the purpose. A key assumption underlying this belief is that entrepreneurial skills and behaviours are not fixed personal characteristics. They can be learned through education system using an appropriate curriculum.
However, one of the main challenges facing Nigeria education system is the appropriateness of educational package that can deliver on the skills needed to boost entrepreneurial behaviour in order to deal with unemployment issue. In attempt to address this challenge, Nigeria government introduced entrepreneurship education in the secondary school curriculum. Supplementary education policy reforms such as change in educational system from 6-3-3-4 to 9-3-4, curriculum review, teacher training and quality assurance were also put in place. To ensure effective implementation of the policy reform, the Rivers state government of Nigeria further declared state of emergency in primary and secondary education. Based on that development, secondary school students are assumed to be prepared for entrepreneurship before and after graduation.