Background of the Study

Education is the best legacy a nation can give to her citizens. It is generally believed that the basis for any true development must start with the development of human resources. Much then is said that formal education remains the vehicle for social-economic development and social mobilization in any society (Philips, 2012).

Computer education as it is stipulated by the National Policy on Education (2004) in Nigeria is one of pre-vocational subjects in the junior secondary schools. The aim and objectives of the Federal Government in these pre-vocational subjects mostly is that at the end of nine years of passing through, it should posses an appropriate level of literacy, numeracy, communication, manipulative and problems solving skills in order to be employable and useful to oneself and the society at large.

According to Abimbola (2010), the use of computer in our educational sector was a growing phenomenon, because searching for work in internet requires the knowledge of computer. The use of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in education also requires in-depth knowledge of computer.

According to Olaitan (2010) the prominent role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in educational system requires the knowledge of computers; since our schools are sweeping along on the incoming tide of new teaching techniques. The old methods used in teaching and learning of computer science are becoming increasingly inadequate. It is now become apparent for the government to provide adequate materials meant to redesign the computer education at all levels.

Abdullahi (2014) says that computer science is one of the science subjects that deals with study of a machine that can receive instructions, recalls these instructions, carry out the instructions and gives a feedback on its actions. In my own view, computer science is a subject that deals with appreciation and application of computers. It is also defined as electronic machine that operate with remarkable speed and reliability.

A well developed scientific and technological base are conditional to any national human and material development. Nigeria has been classified as one of the developing nations and has continued to make a break through by emphasizing much on science and technology thereby making inclusive of computer education in the curriculum of the junior and senior secondary schools (Combs, 2013).

The Federal Government of Nigeria decided to introduce computer education into the nation’s secondary school system in 1987 during the Ministerial Council Meeting of the National Council on Education. This was followed by the inauguration of the National committees on computer education the same year. The functions of the committee among others included, planning for dynamic policy on computer education and literacy in Nigeria as well as devising clear strategies and terminologies to be used by the Federal and State governments in introducing computer Education. The general objectives of the policy are:

1.     To bring about a computer literate society in Nigeria.

2.     To enable the present school children to appreciate and use the computer in various aspect of life and in future employment.

The above stated strategies can promote or impede the acquisition of computer knowledge. Functionalities of the strategies would promote acquisition while deficiency in implementation would constitute an impediment to the acquisition of computer knowledge (Aminu, 2014).

According to Philips (2013), the polices are poorly implemented due to poor training and orientation of key implements (teachers). Through constant practice, workshop and seminars, the teachers will be equipped in relevant knowledge needed in computer, which are appropriate for effective teaching and learning of computer education. Computer requires practices and only the teachers that know the practices can teach it very well.

The non availability of Hardware facilities in acquisition of computer education is one of the impediments that affect the teaching and learning of computer education mostly in Senior Secondary schools. Okon (2012) reported on the declining standard of teaching which is done without exposing the students to any form of practical experiences. The acquisition of computer education with the hardware facilities is just like going to school without pen and books.

Evoh (2014) emphasized that secondary school education is essential of the creation of effective human capital in any country. The need for the conclusion of computer science in the education curriculum of the Nigerian secondary schools cannot be overemphasized. In this technology-driven age, every one requires ICT competence to survive and this calls for early acquisition of computer skills by students.

Proper teaching and learning with regard to computer education in Nigerian  Secondary Schools have been known to have suffered some setbacks. These setbacks have been generated by certain conditions such as inadequate provision of facilities, lack of trained personnel, financial constraints and organizational constraints.

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