Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 7
Purpose of the Study 9
Significance of the Study 9
Research Questions 10
Research Hypotheses 11
Delimitation of the Study 11
Conceptual Framework 12
Concept of Electronic Technology 12
Concept of Information and Communication Technology 13
Uses of ICT in Education 14
Use of ICT in Instructional Planning 24
Use of ICT in Instructional Delivery 26
Use of ICT in Instructional Evaluation 31
The procedures for improving utilization of ICT use in education 34
Theoretical Framework 37
Theory of Communication 38
Theory of Planned Behaviour 39
Related Empirical Studies 40
Summary of Literature Reviewed 45
Design of the Study 48
Area of the Study 48
Population for the Study 48
Sample and Sampling Technique 49
Instrument for Data Collection 49
Validation of the Instrument 50
Reliability of the Instrument 50
Method of Data Collection 50
Method of Data Analysis 51
Research Question 1 52
Research Question 2 54
Research Question 3 56
Testing of Hypotheses 58
Findings of the Study 63
Discussion of Research Findings 66
Restatement of the Problem 71
Purpose of Study 72
Summary of the Procedure used for the Study 73
Major Findings of the Study 74
Implications for the Study 75
Conclusions 76
Recommendations 77
Suggestions for Further Research 77
Appendix A: Population Distribution 86
Appendix B: Instrument for Data Collection 87
Appendix C: Result of Reliability Test 91
Appendix D: Result of Data Analysis 93
Table Page
1: Mean Ratings of the Responses of Colleges of Education Lecturers
on How Computer Can be Used in Instructional Planning in Teaching
Electronics Technology in Kwara State Colleges of Education 52
2: Mean Ratings of the Responses of Colleges of Education Lecturers
on How Computer Can be Used in Instructional Delivery in Electronics
Technology in Kwara State Colleges of Education 54
3: Mean Ratings of the Responses of Colleges of Education Lecturers
on How Computer Can be Used in Instructional Evaluation in Electronics
Technology in Kwara State Colleges of Education 56
4: The t-test Statistics of the Mean Ratings of the Responses of Senior
and Junior Lecturers of Colleges of Education on How Computer Can
be Used in Instructional Planning in Teaching Electronics Technology
in Kwara State Colleges of Education 58
5: The t-test Statistics of the Mean Ratings of the Responses of Senior
and Junior Lecturers of Colleges of Education on How Computer Can
be Used in Instructional Delivery in Electronics Technology in Kwara
State Colleges of Education 60 6: The t-test Statistics of the Mean Ratings of the Responses of Senior
and Junior Lecturers of Colleges of Education on How Computer Can
be Used in Instructional Evaluation in Electronics Technology in
Kwara State Colleges of Education 62
In carrying out this study, three research questions and three null hypotheses were developed to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design was employed in selecting the respondents for the study. The study was carried out in Kwara State covering the three State Colleges of Education in Kwara State. The population for this study was 232 comprising 102 Senior lecturers (Chief Lecturer, Principal Lecturer) and 130 Junior Lecturers (Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Lecturer III and Assistant Lecturers) in Kwara State Colleges of Education located in Ilorin, Oro and Lafiagi. Due to the manageable size of the population of NCE technical education lecturers in Kwara State, the entire 232 lecturers were used for the study. Therefore, there was no sampling. The instrument for the study was a structured questionnaire developed by the researcher and it is titled: Utilization of Computer for Instruction in Electronics Technology Questionnaire; ‘(UCIETQ)’. The questionnaire items were developed from the literature reviewed. The instrument was face-validated by three experts. The experts were requested to assess the items of the instruments in terms of clarity, relevance and appropriateness in addressing the problem of the study and research questions under investigation. Their comments and corrections were incorporated in the final draft of the instrument. To establish the internal consistency of the questionnaire, Cronbach Alpha reliability technique was used in which reliability value 0.74 was obtained for use of computer for instructional planning, 0.70 for instructional delivery, 0.83 for instructional evaluation while an overall reliability coefficient of 0.76 was obtained for the entire instrument. Data for the study were collected by the researcher with the help of two research assistants. The research assistants were briefed by the researcher in order for them to be acquainted with the system of administering the questionnaire and to enhance the return rate of the instrument from the respondents. Out of the 232 copies of the questionnaire distributed, 221 copies were retrieved and completely filled representing 95.3% rate of return. The data collected were analyzed using mean for answering research questions while t-test statistics was used for testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance and at 219 degree of freedom. It was found out that, all the 36 identified items in the study are ways through which computer can be used for instruction in electronics technology in Kwara State Colleges of Education. Specifically, the study found that computer can be used for enhancing instructional planning, instructional delivery and instructional evaluation in electronics technology in Kwara State Colleges of Education. Based on the findings, the study among others recommended that the State government through its ministry of education should help package the identified ways in which computer can be used for instructional planning, delivery and evaluation as a useful guide for lecturers in tertiary institutions in the state.
Background of the Study
Information and communications technology has become highly important in everyday affair among policy makers, economists, academics, general public and private organizations. Seminars, conferences and workshops are being organized every year across the world on the relevance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which emphasizes its importance for the society as well as individual development. Curtin (2002) opined that information and communication technology is a set of tools and application that are facilitated by electronic means to capture, store, process, transmit and display information. According to Ogechukwu and Osuagwu (2010), information and communication technology is the processing and maintenance of information and the use of all forms of computer communication network and mobile technologies to mediate information. Information and communication technology is an umbrella term that includes any communication devices or application, encompassing; radio, television, cellular, phones, computer and other network hardware and software, satellite system and among others, as well as the various services and application associated with them, such as video conferencing and distance learning.
Information and communication technology is utilized in various context such as education, health care, agriculture, library among others. One of the ways by which ICT is utilized in education is through computer assisted instruction. Computer assisted instruction is the utilization of computer for instructional planning, delivery and evaluation (Aginam, 2006). The usefulness of ICT depends on the locality, culture and the particular ICT that is available and how it is configured and managed.
The use of computer for instruction is self-learning technique, usually offline or online, involving interaction of the student with programmed instructional materials. Wikimedia (2008) expressed that computer for instruction is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional materials and monitor the learning that takes place. Computer assisted instruction uses a combination of text, graphics, sound and video in enhancing the learning process. It uses tutorials, drill and practice, simulations, and problem solving approaches to present topics and to test students understanding. The advantage of computer assisted instruction to both teachers and students include its flexibility in the use of multiple choice question as well as the provision of immediate feedback, summary of students’ performance, exercise for practice and worksheet and text (Ajayi, 2005).
Computer assisted instruction as viewed by Ayo (2001) is the use of computer system and telecommunication equipment in information processing during classroom instruction. In the education context, it refers to various resources and tools (software) presented through computer. Some examples of ICT tools, according to Akuegwu (2011) include desktop, laptops, video machines, multimedia projectors or power point, digital cameras, internet facilities, computer networks, telephone, e-library, television programmers’ and data base among others. Today, ICT in education encompasses a great range of rapidly evolving technologies such as desktop, notebook, and local area networking, the internet, and the world wide web, CD-Roms and DVD, and applications such as word processors, spreadsheets, tutorial, simulations, electronic email, videoconferencing and virtual reality (UNESCO, 1999).
Research has indicated that the use of computers can support new instructional approaches and make hard-to-implement instructional methods such as simulation or cooperative learning more feasible (Roblyer, Edwards and Havriluk, 2004). Moreover, educators commonly agree that the use of computer has the potential to improve student learning outcomes and effectiveness if it is used properly (Wang, 2001). The use of computer, the internet and related technologies, given adequate teacher training and support, can indeed facilitate the transformation of the learning environment into a learner-centered one. The primary factor that influences the effectiveness of learning is not the availability of technology but pedagogical design for effective use of computer (Mandell, Sorge, Russel, 2002).